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Disaster Resilience Education for Young People Handbook | Showcase webinar
Webinar on Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice for enhancing Disaster Resilience- Challen
IDDRR: Empowering the next generation for a resilient future webinar
EMPA Webinar - November 2023
Resilient Australian Schools Webinar | DRANZSEN event
Setting the Scene 4. Higher Education Institution Network in Disaster Resilience
WCDRR: Roadmap for European disaster resilience network for education - ANDROID, Richard Haigh
Webinar on Empowering Young Researchers and Professionals in the fields related to Disaster Resilien
Subtitled Webinar "Empowering Women in Disaster Risk Reduction through Heritage"
Disaster Management for Resilience | Professional Development Webinar
Engaging Children and Youth in Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Building
What is disaster recovery? | Recovery Matters webinar series